Freitag, 29. März 2013

Rob ist immer für eine Überraschung gut

Erinnert ihr euch noch an Rob´s Covershoot der Vanity Fair mit dem Aligator? Und diesem schrägen Hut? Nicht mein Lieblings-Shooting...
Naja, jedenfalls hat Rob für die Freilassung des Tiers bezahlt und hier haben wir das Video davon. Die witzigste Stelle im Video:

Q: "Tell us what you´re doing."
A: "I´m releasing Robert Pattinson´s aligator."

Hollywood, our most famous insta-gator, who appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, along with Robert Pattinson. Actor, musician, producer, and now alligator conservationist, Robert Pattinson of 'Twilight' fame, had arranged for gator, Hollywood's release. Louisiana's alligator ranching program, the greatest animal conservation program of all time, provides that 12 out of every 100 alligators grown to four feet are released back into the marsh where those alligator eggs were collected. As a result of the Louisiana alligator ranching program, established in 1985, the gator population in Louisiana has grown from a few hundred thousand to nearly 3 million! Read more at

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